Online Statement Print Preview

Online statements can be generated using the Download statement feature in Online Giving. Users can login to Online Giving to retrieve a history of giving from the current and past year. The online statement does not include pledge drive information. Online Statement Details including tax ID number, header notes, and footer notes can be configured to display on the printed statement.

Note: You must have Contributions Write security access to perform the following procedure.

To configure online statements

  1. Click Giving > Statements > Online Statement. The Statement Details form appears.
  2. Type the Employer Identification Number (also known as the Federal Tax Identification Number on in the EIN field. This number is used to identify a business entity.
  3. Type any text in the Header notes field. It is a free form text field that can be used for additional address information, thank you message, or any information specific to your church. This field is limited to 400 characters.
  4. Type any text in the Footer notes field. It is also a free form text field that can be used for a church disclosure statement such as "no goods or services were received in exchange for this donation and contribution is tax-deductible." This field is limited to 1600 characters.

Note: If there is one character over the limit, the system will give you an error message!

  1. Optionally, select the box to Show sub funds in WebLink view to make sub funds visible on the online statement.
  2. Click Save changes.

Displaying the Online Statement

In Online Giving, the statement is displayed by clicking Print View in the Contribution History grid.

ClosedSee an example of an Online Statement

Click Print statement to access your computer's printer functions.